Open Floor Dance Classes
w Di Hinds



I teach Open Floor classes in and around Cambridge U.K.
If it’s your first time I suggest reading What to Expect in Class & About Open Floor


Dance Classes with Cambsdance and at Madingley Village Hall - online is currently paused..

Wonderful to dance with others who also enjoy this practice.

Here’s a bit of the Covid story as far as Tuesday sessions were concerned.

During COVID-19 our Tuesday morning Madingley sessions were held online weekly rather than fortnightly as before the pandemic.

These have been paused during the summer months, reverting to the pre pandemic fortnightly sessions at Madingley Village Hall.

I also continue to teach the Cambsdance Friday night sessions as published on the Cambsdance schedule (roughly monthly). Next session I teach - Friday 30 June.

It seems extraordinary that half the year has passed already, and just one session in July, on 21 July, before I take a summer break.

These sessions are now being held at St Paul’s Church Hall, in Hills Road, which is prepared lovingly every week by a fantastic crew who style the massive space so it’s truly amazing for those who gather in the space.

Newcomers - and there have been many since the limitations of post pandemic days - are made to feel truly welcome. Cambsdance is a fantastically welcoming space.

(I’d like to thank the superb Cambsdance organisers for the way they have been fantastically responsive (and responsible) during the pandemic, initially going online during the pandemic and then continuing with this where necessary, and monitoring the situation so dance was provided safely and responsibly through Cambsdance.

A ticketing system was developed - one which didn’t necessarily satisfy all the dancers who were actually wanting a ticket to dance. At St Paul’s the increased numbers have space to dance!

Although Open Floor is my practice, other conscious dance practices are also taught including 5 Rhythms, Freedom Dance, Ecstatic Dance.



Tuesday Mornings


Now returning to alternate Tuesdays - live at Madingley Village Hall

On Tuesday mornings we have returned to alternate Tuesday mornings at Madingley Village Hall, we move inspired by the wonderful Open Floor curriculum - and our wonderful bodies capacity to move and breathe. Always accompanied to an eclectic soundscape.

The next Tuesday morning session will be on Tuesday 4 July, with a further session on Tuesday 18 July.

The online sessions (a hybrid model alternating ‘live’ with online sessions) have been ‘paused for the summer months, giving people the opportunity to spend more time building their vitamin D in the summer sunshine!

As we ‘learn to live with Covid’, it would be great if dancers would take a lateral flow test before coming along to dance, especially if they know they have recently been in contact with a person currently with the virus. It’s simply a matter of consideration.

Price: £12 full price, £10 low income, £6 students or benefits

Usually at Madingley Village Hall*
19 High St, Madingley, Cambridge CB23 8AB, UK

New dancers are welcome!

If you are interested in joining the dance on Tuesday mornings, please contact me on either or It would be lovely to see you there!


Madingley Hall is a delightful thatched roof building with a wonderful floor and gorgeous light. Parking for the Village Hall is available at the rear of the car park to the pub opposite.


Thursday Lunchtimes

This was an experimental session offered pre-pandemic….nothing is currently offered at this time, but alternative plans are afoot for a further session beyond Tuesday morning.

Movement and dance offers an opportunity to:


Here’s what was said before the pandemic - but the need to move - and the benefits of moving in commune with others remains:…

Pre COVID an experimental series of 50 minute sessions on a Thursday lunchtime on alternate weeks aimed at Cambridge city workers was shared on alternate weeks with another teacher.

Details for any future plans will be announced when the situation is clearer.

There are many different methods of movement meditation. Movement meditation promotes wellness, reduces stress and anxiety, encourages preventative self-care and creates stronger connections. Di and Nicky offer this experience set to wide-ranging musical soundscapes. This weekly drop in class is a safe and supportive environment open to anyone who would like to use movement and dance to:

…. experience yourself more fully in the body

…. be more alive to the present moment

…. have more authentic connection with yourself and others


There will be another opportunity to dance with me when I’m holding the space at St Paul’s Church Centre on Friday 30 June, where Friday night sessions are currently being held. Tickets are available through Bookwhen. The Cambsdance site ( says more…

Friday Night Cambsdance! Would be lovely to see you there on the Open Floor..

session starts 7.00…

Friday Night Cambsdance


Sunday Storey’s —
Afternoons @ Eddington

With all the benefits of movement and dance it is disappointing that the gorgeous space at Eddington has become too expensive for me to use at present.

There is another space soon to be opened in Mill Road (part of the Ironworks) but the building is now available for hire…opening in the final week of April.

I am exploring the possibility of hiring this space for a monthly Sunday session, beginning in the autumn.

As I’ve been working on this into my news feed popped an article on how important it is to move rather than sit at the computer screen for long periods.

Pre pandemic one GP asked if he could refer patients to me - and did so just before Covid made it impossible to meet in person..all this when with ease dance offers..

Another chance to spark connections with each other, breathe, move and dance together, noticing whatever arises as we move.

When so much is ploughed into the Health Service - quite rightly - I feel the issue of availability of venues for movement is quite a dilemma.

Storey’s Field Centre
Eddington Ave, Cambridge CB3 1AA, UK

This gorgeous and newly designed award-winning building is made from beautiful natural materials. 
As with Madingley Village Hall, the floor and light are superb!

For those who drive rather than cycle to Eddington, parking is available at the Madingley Road Park and Ride, followed by  a five minute walk to the centre.  Some parking is also available.

Autumn 2020 saw sessions resume – although held online. The popularity of the Centre means that it is not always available – especially since bookings pre COVID have been re-scheduled! We will be meeting virtually, on Zoom, when the Centre is not available to us.

Sunday Storeys is currently under review…

Although the venue is wonderful, it is also expensive to hire, and other organisations also use the facility because of the state of the art performance area.